Avatar for Philip LaPorte

Philip LaPorte

mathematics phd candidate, uc berkeley

I am a third-year graduate student at UC Berkeley, co-advised by Steven Evans and Martin Nowak (Harvard). I am interested in the mathematics of evolution, especially evolutionary game theory and social behavior. Recently I have been working on repeated games and direct reciprocity. I am very grateful to be supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. As an undergraduate, I studied math at Harvard with interests in geometry and topology.


Ph.D. Candidate, Mathematics

UC Berkeley


A.B. Mathematics

Harvard College

2018 - 2022


A geometric process of evolutionary game dynamics

(2023) Journal of the Royal Society Interface.  PL and MA Nowak

Adaptive dynamics of memory-1 strategies in the repeated donation game

(2023) PLOS Computational Biology.  PL, C Hilbe and MA Nowak

talks and presentations

Cooperation in direct reciprocity

(2024) Fu Lab, Dartmouth Mathematics Dept

How to exploit majority rule - the McKelvey chaos theorem

(2023) Many Cheerful Facts seminar, UC Berkeley Mathematics Dept